I woke up this morning and heard Brad get up to go get a shower but I was still sleeeeeepy so I laid there until he was out then I got up toooooo. Got DRESSED for exercise!!! Brad eventually left for work while I was on the treadmill. I did 2.2 miles in 40 minutes at a fast walk pace with a few random jogging intervals in there and broke a pretty decent sweat!! I ate a hard boiled egg beforehand but afterwards…. ugh. I felt SO NAUSEOUS! I had to just sit still for a long while. Not sure why… low blood sugar? My body not used to exercise? Don’t know but it was not pleasant. I had planned on eating breakfast after I was done but NO WAY! I decided to sit for a bit then went to take a hot bath and wash my hair. Afterwards, I laid in bed and took a nap. When I woke up, I got Katie up then fed her breakfast and finally fixed mine – and by then I was hungry! Not an eventful day… but it was really chilly outside and we had some rain that later cleared up for some sunshine!

Brad got home this evening and we took Katie over to Moms so we could go out!!!!!! Went back to WHOLE FOODS again!!!!! We needed some toilet paper was our main mission but I also wanted to try to find a few things that have been recommended to me for the candida. We got: toilet paper, Brad got a few various things, head of cabbage, sprouted mung beans, seltzer water, unsweetened coconut milk, synenergy drink, plain greek yogurt andddddddd got some yeast-cleanse pills! I REALLY hope they are going to be the biggest help for me in this… maybe. I take 6 pills a day of that! I drank my synenergy drink after we got back in the car… wow, those make me feel good! We stopped by Wal-Mart since Brad wanted to buy some lotion. Then back to Moms to pick up Katie so we could bring her home and put her to bed – which is just what Brad did. I’m finishing up dinner then we’re heading to bed shortly. I love being able to go out with my lovie for a little bit in the evening child-free!!!!!!!!!! =)