So I guess I could consider today the first day of my 90% juice fast! It’s been alright. I got up this morning, ate a small bowl of oatmeal/yogurt, Brad left for work then I did a workout on the Wii Active plus 10 minutes on the exercise bike. Fixed some JUICE! then got a shower to refresh. Got Katie up, fed her, let her set on the potty so she could go #2 and also talked to Mom on the phone. I fiddled online for a bit then decided we’d get ready and head to the PARK for a bit before her nap time! I used to go strolling with her ALL the time in 2010 so I really wanna get back into going out every day and get some SUN for my whiiiiiiiiiiiite, pasty legs hahah! After potty, getting her dressed and everything ready including her lunch – we set out! It was a nice walk and after we got there I let her go! There was no one there, heh. Some teens showed up eventually to just hang out and a bit later I saw a Mom with two small children but it was really peaceful! I let her explore, climb, slide until around 1:50PM then we sat at one of the tables and I let her eat then loaded her up to head back home. Of course she protested… hah.

I was a bit sweaty by the time we got back! I put Katie on the potty and then put her down for a cool-off nap. Once I put things away and she was down, I made another green drink! I’ve had 3 green drinks so far today and am gonna make another one around 7:45PM or so along with my small bowl of oatmeal/yogurt. I was pretty tired a little after 4PM so I laid down in bed to take a small nap before Katie got back up. WE’RE GONNA WATCH THE BIGGEST LOSER FINALE AT 8PM! I can’t wait wait wait!!

I’ve felt overall alright for the first day. Really wanting solid food but I’m trying to keep focused. I really wish I could have FRUIT juice mixed in with the veggie/green juice too… that would help the taste but I’m avoiding any fruit/sugar since this whole thing might be because of the yeast overgrowth in my intestines. I don’t know for sure but I don’t wanna take my chances of drinking/eating fruit/sugar and then “feeding” the yeast/bacteria/whatever. I’d love to drink a bunch of lemons but I’d have to use a lot to get a strong lemon taste in a bigger drink but yeah. I’ll just keep experimenting.