I’m pretty irritated. Just… blah. Meh.

ANYWAY. The BONES finale last night was awesome! Already knew the big twist… since I found out SOMETHING not long ago. We had intended to wake up and go help clean our church but slept in too late. Woops. Just like last Saturday… bah. We got up late, got Katie fed then dropped her off at my Moms. Our first stop was Wal-Mart for groceries. I bought some ALOE VERA JUICE! It’s supposed to be good with all the health crap I’ve got stirring. Next up! My favoriiiiiiiiiite! Whole FOODS! I got some more plain live culture greek yogurt, seaweed snack pack, fermented tea drink, Brad got some apples and I got a GREEN powder packet to mix with water or whatever. It was already 3pm when we got home and I had to put away groceries, put away chicken, cut up my onion THEN get started cleaning house. I didn’t have any help… cough. That’s all I’m saying. ANYWAY.

I cut Brad’s hair on our porch then we headed over to Moms. Katie had a little late birthday party with Mom, heh. She got her presents and whatnot. Mom cut my hair!!! She did a pretty good job but her sight isn’t the best so Brad helped me even it out once we got home. Brad gave Katie a bath then put her to bed while I started dinner and here we are!

Before I go! Wanted to update on my weight. About a month ago.. I think? I was up to 170. I think the highest I’ve gotten (since losing all my weight in 2009) is 171. I’ve started slowly going down and I haven’t really mentioned it cause I’m afraid it’ll just shoot back up even though I’m eating healthy and blahblahblah. I weighed myself last week and I was 163 and this morning I was 162! If I can get below 160 I WILL BE SO HAPPY since I haven’t been below that in I dunno… months! I’m so ready for my weight to go BYEBYE again. If I can get my body going in the right direction then I’d like to get down to my ultimate goal weight of 130 by the end of 2011. We’ll see…. I’m gonna fight for it – that’s for sure. I want that body I had and to feel like I did AND I WILL!!!!