Brad and I had intended on going to bed around 12:30AM or so but we laid in bed then talked and laughed so we didn’t get to sleep till 2AM! After rushing around this morning – we went to church! It went well overall and It’s always nice to be in the house of the Lord! I love to talk about The Gospel and teach people about how HE wants us to live and how living that way can make us so much happier!!!

We came home… Katie whined a whole bunch. I cooked my ground turkey to have for the week and also put on some laundry then eventually put Katie down for nap. I texted a friend of mine then called Mom and then called a friend of ours from Alabama!! By the time I was done talking It was time for Katie to get back up. Just the usual hanging out.

I’m starting back on my exercise TOMORROW and I’m back to it! I had only stopped a few weeks ago since I felt so bad (and thought resting would help me) but now that I know what I’m doing to help myself (aka diet, probiotics) then I’m gonna exercise since that will help my immune system. I’m really excited!!!!!! I hope eventually the weight will come right off and I know it will at some point If I just keep trying to beat this candida and keep POINT ON with the diet. My HOPE is that I will have lost a good amount of weight by the end of summer and hopefully have 50 pounds gone before 2012! I feel quite good physically tonight and I am thankful for that. Even after staying up until 2AM and getting up at 7:30AM I haven’t felt too tired!

I can’t believe Katie’s 3rd birthday is Wednesday… WOW.