IT FEELS AMAZING OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW! We’ve got the porch door open letting in some fresh mid-October air.

You know…. today has been good. I got finished with my college work for the week, watched the remainder of the taped Dr. Oz shows I had, washed & folded 2 loads of laundry… and that was the big highlights, lol.

I got my food planned out for the week! I’m going back to SALADS, except I’m gonna INCLUDE them with my lunch instead of just having a salad for lunch. I realize now that when I was losing weight in 2009, my lunches were NOTHING….. under 200 cals and nothing to sustain me. Bad, bad. Now I’m gonna have a GOOD lunch PLUS a salad on the side. In fact, know what I had for dessert just now? A SALAD, lol. It had a mushroom, celery, light thousand island dressing, arugula, spinach, 1 cracker, and part of a small apple. IT WAS AWESOME. I have missed salads like that!!!

We had SUBWAY for dinner and both got a foot long, since it was cheaper that way and I saved HALF for my DINNER TOMORROW, WOOT. I’m excited about my food again! I actually did GREAT with my food intake for the day…… yay me! I also had a Clif gingerbread bar this evening and it was good…. but had a lot of sugar.

OH and we bought some temporary filling for my tooth….. ive had a filling missing for like 5 years. Not good and I hope I can get it fixed for good soon. Brad’s gonna help me get it all fixed up soon. After that, I’m gonna RELAX and start watching this week’s taped episodes of THE DOCTORS! I LOVE DR. TRAVIS AND JILLIAN…. actually I love THEM ALL. ;D I finally got to see my Mom’s new glasses! She looks so DIFFERENT with these glasses…. in a good way! She said she can SEE so much better so that is awesome awesome!

It’s supposed to be GORGEOUS all weekend…. excited to go out with hubby tomorrow, even tho I’m not sure what we will be doing! Have a great night.