Tomorrow morning I FINALLY go to the Endo Doctor!!!!!!! PLEASE pray that I get the answers I have been waiting for since early 2010. I’m thinking about this in a positive way and am hoping and praying for the best. It’s supposed to be COOOOLD tomorrow morning, like in the breezy 50’s so I’m bundling myself and Katie up then putting her in the stroller and walking over to Mom’s so she can hang out with her while I go to the Doc’s. I’ll walk back home and my church friend is coming to get me at 9AM and my appointment is at 9:30AM and I have a feeling it’s going to take a while. I’ve got my bloodwork from my last Doc’s appointment printed off plus my bloodwork from last year so they can see it. I’m as ready as I can be.

As far as today… I haven’t had a fever ALL DAY!!!!!! I got up this morning, took some cold tablets then went back to sleep and actually slept in LONGER than I usually do… woops. I felt a good deal better tho, but of course woke up sweating again. My biggest issue today has been headache pain, but only when I bend down or exert myself. I took some excedrin earlier and that seemed to help. I’ve felt pretty out of it all day, including right now. It was SOOOOOOOO pretty today and felt wonderful when I opened the patio door to let Katie play on the porch this morning.

I just finished some yogurt for dessert and won’t eat anything else for my Doc appointment in the morning since I would like for them to test my fasting glucose levels. I’m READY to feel really GOOD again. I’m READY to exercise and feel those good endorphins again that I haven’t felt in FOREVER even though I have tried and tried and tried. I’m READY TO LOSE WEIGHT again… for my body to be in FAT BURNING mode instead of fat STORING mode.

Just holding onto hope! Wish me luck.