Yikes, it was dreary and COLD TODAY. In fact, it’s only 47 but feels like 39!! BRRRRR. It rained this morning and then the rest of the day the weather was MEH. I’m not a fan of rainy, dreary, cold weather….. noOOooo thank you.

Otherwise, it was usual business around here. Tried real hard to get a grip on my appetite today and did well, but am going to do better. I ate lunch with Katie, then it was time for her nap and I was SO HAPPY with how well she behaved when it was that time. She got in her bed, rolled over, and I read scriptures to her and she already had her eyes closed!!!!!!!!! Instead of saying anything….. I just covered her up and walked out. She never said a word = HAPPY MAMA. I worked on my college a bit, then watched reruns of The Doctors from last week…. still tryin to catch up on that and I’ve got the Dr. Oz episodes to watch too before Friday – since I bring the tapes back to my Mom so she can tape the NEXT weeks on them.

We had a nice evening, except Katie tends to fiddle around when it comes to dinner. We sit down together now to eat, but she mostly wants to chat chat chat chat chat, play with her spoon, and stare at Brad while he eats, hah. She finally finished and then Brad fell asleep in his chair. I took Katie to her room and we drew some pictures, sang a few songs, and then I just let her talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. She would seriously sit there all day and talk forever non stop. Brad was still asleep, so we came back in the living room and started watching this week’s BIGGEST LOSER !!!!!!!! He eventually woke up and just in time to get Katie ready for bed. She didn’t make a fuss at bed time either….. so yay!

Guess I’m gonna try to catch up online for a bit before bed. That’s a wrap!