First off………. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Brad and I had a lovely afternoon/evening yesterday! We watched the movie Daybreakers last night and ate roasted fresh pumpkin seeds. We got up at 5:30AM this morning, got ready then headed out at 6:30AM. He dropped me off at a Wal-Greens near the hospital at about 6:45AM. I dropped off my prescription then roamed the store until it was ready. Afterwards, I sat in a chair near the pharmacy for a long while before browsing the store again until I left at 7:50AM. IT WAS SO COLD OUTSIDE. I walked down to the hospital and my hands were red by the time I got there. I sat out in the lobby until a little after 8AM then went up to the Doc’s office, where I sat in the waiting room a few minutes then went back! Here’s how my morning went:
Came back and they took 5 vials of blood then I drank the fruit punch glucose drink…. it made me feel a little sick after I was done, since it was so sweet. Once done with the drink, they told me to wait 30 minutes then come back. It was 9:50… so I came back at 10:20 and they drew another vial of blood. another 30 minute wait. 10:50… another vial of blood. then they said to wait an hour so 11:50, 12:50, 1:50 then I was finally done! I was poked 5 diff times, well prob 7 in total with 2 “attempt” pokes and they got 9 vials of blood in total, hah. After they took my blood, I left the office and went down to the hospital lobby to eat my serving of honey yogurt then tried to decide what I wanted to do next. My Cousin was gonna pick me up after he got off work but that could be at like 3-4pm. I walked out of the hospital and down the sidewalks by the main road….. it was a little after 2pm and my Cousin called and said he was off work! He came to get me, we went to my Moms where we got Katie then we came home. I gave Katie some meds then put her down for nap…. as she protested. I ate a late lunch then got to sit down for a bit.

SO started my new meds today! It’s weird cause I didn’t think I would have to take Metformin again after I took it in 2006-2007, but I know I’m on my way towards great health again. MY NEW BEGINNING! The meds made my stomach feeling a little uneasy and I kindof expected that…. fine by me! Today started the low calorie diet, too. I ate the yogurt, lunch, little snack, and dinner. I’m probably below 1,000 for today with the almost all day fasting.

We’re laying low tonight…. we don’t have any candy and Katie is still sick so just a chill Halloween. As soon as Katie goes to bed I guess the only “celebrating” we’ll be doing is by watching the latest…….. WALKING DEAD! =)