WHEEEE. After eating breakfast, Katie, Brad and I all went out for a walk – well, I was pushing Katie in her stroller but yeah. Brad really wants to start training for the military so he came out with me. It makes me happy that he wants to do this. He walked with us for about 20 minutes I think and we would randomly do jogging sprints and man, that’s espically hard for me with pushing a stroller but I am determined, lol. I walked back home with Brad afterwards and he was headed to get ready to run errands, pay bills and go visit his Dad and Grandma for a bit. I wanted to get in MORE walking so I took off and by the time I got back, I had walked (and randomly jogged) 6.7 miles!!! After Katie went down for her nap, I did about ~100 more calories worth of random ab and squat exercises. Finally fixed some lunch and got a niiiiiiice shower! Brad eventually came home when I was getting dinner ready around 6:30pm or so. Overall, a very good day! We’re going out again tomorrow morning so I look forward to that!

I am a bit worn out!! Also pretty thirsty but I don’t want to drink a lot since I know it’ll wake me up in the middle of the night and that is annoying haha. Okie… I’m gonna start making out a grocery list for tomorrow and get ready for bed!