FACT: My hormones and metabolism are messed up because of excessive exercise and not enough calories to sustain it. I’m seriously angry at myself for getting myself into this situation after all the hard work I’ve done!

FACT: My hair is in need of a serious haircut and eyebrows are in need of waxing.

FACT: I did well Monday but yesterday I exercised a lot then didn’t have time to eat most of my food until the late evening and then today all that from yesterday caused my CARB cravings to sky rocket…. fun.

You know they talk about people who always do things the hard way? Yea, that’s me. Since my body is all out of whack, I’m putting a plan into action to be persistent with. Cut down on the exercise to only burn around ~400 calories, 5 days a week. Eat around 2,000 calories PER DAY. The last few days I had been doing well with the 2,000 calories but after yesterdays messed up timing with food plus excessive exercise threw me right back to square one. I didn’t think I could get myself into this situation… HA, wrong. Today’s menu consisted mostly of mixed nuts, peanut butter, lots of crackers and lots of those new jumbo rice krispys cereal I bought yesterday. Right now carbs are excellent for me to help my metabolism and all that to be brought into the right direction.

Tomorrow is a new day so let’s go! I WILL get back to where I was, I WILL.