I actually feel really good tonight! I think it has to do with how I structured my eating today. I made sure to incorperate more carbs into my breakfast, snack and lunch. Seems I haven’t had “cravings” today like I’ve had lately. EXCELLENT! Plus like I mentioned.. I just have an overall “good” feeling and I haven’t felt that in a while so here’s to hoping to better progress in the GOOD department for my hormones. My ob/gyn nurse called me back today and I’ve got an appointment this coming Thursday to hopefully see what exactly is going on with my body and to see what can be done to help bring me back to some sort of normal… PLEASE?!!!!!!! I also think that’s why my hair is SO, SO, SO DEAD at the moment. It’s pathetic… I haven’t been attempting to style it because It literally feels like straw.

When I got up this morning, there was random bouts of thunder rumbling outside and It’s been doing that throughout the day but no rain so far??? We’ve got chances of thunderstorms and even under a flood advisory but nothing thus far. I heard the thunder this morning and was reallllllly hoping It would hold off until after my walk. It did, wooo!!! I guess the good thing about my walks is that I have plenty of time to think about life. Same deal as yesterday… came home, let Katie play outside while I read on the porch then we came back inside and she played until It was her lunch and nap time. Being my last workout day of the week, I wanted to do another Wii Active workout so I did a custom workout I had created that lasted I think 35 minutes? It got me nice and sweaty!!! This evening I’ve folded laundry, put more laundry into the washer and dryer, played ball with Katie and listened to some music.

The rest of the evening? Potty and bed time for Katie then waiting for Brad to come home and then…? Not sure! Our neighbor is dropping by at some point and then I might do some more reading. Okiiiie, I’m off!

“Sometimes we don’t really notice just how good It can get” I love that song! I’m thankful for my life. Thankful for my Heavenly Father! Thankful for The Gospel and everything I have come to know about living as righteously as I need to and should be. We all deserve the best life possible and I can testify The Gospel can help us ALL reach that LIGHT and that happiness. It’s there. It’s definetly there but we must reach for it!