We have been going all over the place today! We all went out walking this morning and It was HOT HOT HOT. We went about 2 miles before coming home. Katie has been cranky all day long… I don’t know if it’s teeth, tummy or what. I put her down for a nap then hopped on the treadmill for intervals before getting my smoothie ready then putting it into the freezer while I got a quick shower. After refreshing, I ate my smoothie and veggie burger for lunch then had to get Katie back up to feed her then head out. She had an appointment and she weighs 32 pounds, my goodness!!!!!!!!! We went to see about getting my hair cut and eyebrows waxed but they were busy and we had to wait an hour so we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things then took those groceries home. Finally got to the hair place where I got my eyebrows done then my hair trimmed and thinned out. It’s still really, really dry but eh. I’ll just have to see what I can do with it.

Afterwards, we came home to relax a little before heading out to our Family Home Evening gathering for church and It was a lot of fun!!! Got to talk, eat and hang out then we had a spiritual activity at the end and It was awesome.

I’m pretty tired… gotta get my online work downloaded then get some sleep!!!