Remember yesterday I mentioned I picked blueberries? Last night before bed I noticed that my feet were ITCHING ME TO DEATH. Apparently while picking blueberries yesterday, some little type of BUGGIES ate up my lower half of my body! I have bites all over my thighs, legs and lower legs. WTF. Annoying!

Update on Katies potty training business! She peed in the potty last night before her bath and bed! I got her up this morning and she peed on the potty again. I was eating my breakfast and heard her straining so I took her straight to the potty and I thought she wasn’t doing anything but to my surprise… she had made POO! Lol. We left for our usual walk and It was pretty hot but saw lots of pretty green grass. Love it! Upon arriving in the driveway, I had completed a total of 2.26 miles for the day! I let Katie play outside in the backyard until the sweat bees started constantly bugging me and so we came back inside. I wanted to run another non-stop mile on the treadmill so after Katie was down for nap, I got my mp3 player and got ready to run! I DID IT AGAIN, WOOOOO. Feels great! I was hot hot and dripping sweat when I got done, YES!!! Prepared my smoothie and put it in the freezer and got my quick shower then had lunch!

This evening I have also been washing clothes and also washed our bed sheets and put those back on! Evenings go by so quickly between various house chores, potty training business with Katie and fixing ours and Katie’s dinners I am one busy mama! I’m almost done with my dinner now so I’m gonna feed Katie soon then eat my dessert. Been a real good Friday!