Of course by yesterdays post you could probably guess I did not have a good day! It started because Katie would throw a FIT and scream her head off when I put her on the potty JUST BECAUSE BRAD WAS HOME. Of course he’s usually not home while shes up because hes at work. It was right after she first got up after her afternoon nap so I thought OK I’ll give her this one chance and go feed her then try again. Fed her. Tried again. MORE FIT. MORE SCREAMING. JUST BECAUSE. GRRRR. She wanted Brad’s attention so I got Brad to come sit by her and she was quiet for 2 seconds then MORE SCREAMING. I told Brad I was DONE with POTTY TRAINING FOR THE DAY. I was so flippin mad and frustrated… she was doing that just in SPITE. I took off. OUTSIDE!!! Went to an area behind the barn for over an hour to just be alone with nature. Alone with the sounds of birds and frogs. I came back inside and didn’t say a word but cooked dinner then fixed Katie’s dinner and told Brad to feed her BECAUSE I DIDN’T WANT TO at that point. So he did and then a bit later she would not stop whining so Brad took her to bed… shew. It’s just becoming too much for me lately. I’m alone with a 2 year old all day and I have NO OTHER INTERACTION besides Brad calling for a few minutes on his work breaks or calls to my Mom a few times a week but I see no one except Katie. When you spend THAT MUCH TIME with ANYTHING – no matter it be animal, baby, person – WHATEVER, then you start to have contention. Brad talked to his Mom online about it and she decided to come over to talk about it and Brad’s Mom and 3 younger sisters wound up spending the night. It was nice to have company!

Today has been a LOT better! Brad had errands to run this morning so he didn’t get to go walking so by the time he got back from errands, Katie and I were about to go walking but I left Katie at home with him since he didn’t want to go so I got to walk by myself and just clear my mind. I also called my Mom!!! When I got back, I picked a whole bunch of fresh blueberries since my stock in the freezer was gone. Did a workout on the Wii Active (More Workouts) then had a shower plus lunch! We went to Wal-Mart this evening to pick up a few things and we just finished dinner not too long ago. We’re gonna study our church lesson then maybe a movie? If it’s not too late. I know things will work out and settle down – such is the flow of life! Even through everything life throws at me, I’m still ever so thankful for it all. Thankful to my Heavenly Father and I will take all of this and GROW from it!