I’M SO HAPPY. I got up this morning and after breakfast Katie and I headed out for our walk! It actually didn’t feel too hot outside either! There was also a nice breeze and the sky was a beautiful blue. Awesome!!! I came home and had walked around 2.26 miles and was dripping sweat, WOOOOOO. I let her play while I started my online work until her lunch then nap time. THEN I DID IT. I told myself I was going to get on the treadmill and RUN A MILE STRAIGHT. It’s been forever since I’ve ran a mile straight without stopping. I think It’s been since early April. I put the speed at 4.0 and started up… AND I FINISHED!!!!! I feel so great because I finally was willing to give myself a kick in the butt to do it! YES YES YES. I also have been AWESOME with my meals and snacks. NO EXTRAS TODAY. Yesterday was beyond terrible. I ate way too much and I cannot do that anymore, I won’t. I HAVE the willpower, I just have to move forward and USE IT. I think I’m done with tracking calories on paper and online. I’ve done it since early 2009 and I can pretty much estimate the calorie of a meal or snack just in general. It’s a relief really not to have to track with each and every meal or snack as long as I eat healthy and in portions then there’s no need to track!!! YIPPEEEE! After that awesome mile run, I prepared my smoothie to go into the freezer while I got a nice shower. For lunch I had a veggie burger, bowl of boiled broccoli, carrots and brussel sprouts plus OF COURSE my delicious SMOOTHIE. I have to have my smoothie!!!!!!!

I completed all of my online work and also this evening I folded a load of laundry! Feeling a bit more accomplished than usual. Not to mention that mile run and staying on track with my meals really brought this day to an A++ !!!! My LOVIE should be home from work any minute and tonight we’re gonna watch a new episode of Jillian Micheals new show – EVEN. BETTER!!!!!! God is good. I’m so thankful, grateful and blessed. I KNOW I can get back motivated as I used to be. One day at a time!