I really need a new layout for this site!!!! I’ve had some ideas but I just haven’t had the motivation or time to actually sit down and fiddle with it but hopefully I will make that time so I can get something new.

Well, well. Brad DOES want to join the military, for sure. He’s been kindof on the fence about it because he doesn’t want to feel like a “failure” and let down the church but he would be taking care of HIMSELF and his FAMILY. I need him to do this so new opportunities can open up for him… career wise AND so that he can build his self-confidence and become a stronger person for this family. He told me he IS going to join but we’ll see. All this mess has been taking a toll on us. He snapped at me yesterday and It really hurt my feelings. I do EVERYTHING around here and I make 99% of the decisions. I CLEAN everything. I take care of Katie 99% of the time. I want him to step up and be the head of the household AS HE SHOULD BE. Just keep praying……..

I decided since I did the 18 miles on the bike yesterday I would just use walking as my exercise today so I walked like 4 miles? I called Mom to vent my frustrations. Thank goodness for my Mom. I came back home and fixed a snack then my smoothie so I could put in the freezer for later. Got a quick shower while Brad fed Katie a snack then we loaded up for groceries. He’s gone now for church duties and I’m sitting here and Katie is playing with her toys and babbling. Also listening to the rain outside. Some water for our garden and plants!!!

OH, bought some fish oil supplements so hopefully those will help me. I can tell that my hunger is getting better by eating more healthy fats since I’m able to eat and be content so YAY for a little progress. Anyhow… that’s all for today. May God be with you till we meet again!