Ick! It has been super humid outside today and at 9PM is still 81 degrees. It’s going to be in the lower 90’s the next couple days and Sunday it’s supposed to be 97, wowie! I decided to just walk for exercise today so I took off with Katie in the stroller and by the time I got back, I had walked around 5.3 miles! Came back home and did the usual house duties and let Katie stay up a bit later then put her down for nap. Had a very delicious lunch then went ahead and took a shower early! I called my Mom and talked to her for a long while before getting Katie back up again. I let her watch an episode of Spongebob tonight before her bath and bedtime and she was definetly entertained, lol. Overall, a pretty decent day.

Not sure If we’re gonna watch anything tonight? Hmm hmm. I’m a little sleepy! Honk zhu…