I am so happy I decided to go with the PALEO DIET !!! I’m going primal, yo. RAWRRR.

I got up this morning, drank my warm water, and stumbled upon a great Paleo site. marksdailyapple.com!!! It has really awesome articles. THEN… I decided to try out the black forest dry rub bacon bought from Whole Foods this morning with my breakfast. OOOMG. IT IS SOOOOO GOOD. Really THICK bacon that is FULL of flavor. Yes, we will be buying more of that yummyness. Brad left for work and I eventually got Katie up and started for the day.

I did 10 minutes of upper body workout + squats + leg work on the wii then sprinted on the treadmill for a minute and to round it out… Katie and I went on our daily walk. The wind was nice, the sun was shining, and so an overall BEAUTIFUL DAY. Once home, Katie got to play while I drank my protein AWESOME shake then sat down to start on some college work.


I love how easy this lunch is! Put some fish into bowl. Pour healthy oil on top along with some hummus and greens. Sautee some veggies… put together and ENJOY. Enjoy indeed I DID.

When Katie went down for nap, I took a bath then went to grab my SNACK to nibble on before I took a nap:

Brad and I both are in LOVE with Larabars !!! Anyhow, I went to sleep and was exhausted from this mornings exercise. I was woken up twice… once by a text and then an unknown phone number. Even though I knew I had to get up soon, I just wanted to sleeeeeeeeeeep.

I dragged out of bed and continued the day! Dinner, you say? Oh yes… I really like the bison patties I bought from Whole Foods!

Spread some hummus on top of the patty and PILE UP THE VEGGIES! Same dinner as last night except different array of veggies. Brad eventually went for his walk/jog outside while I did more work on my college for this week.

I am still pretty tired !!! Nibbling on my protein “pudding” dessert… same as last night. Yes, I am a creature of habit and tend to love to eat the same stuff but I TRY to add variety. STOKED to watch the latest eppy of Secret Life in a bit, woot woot. Then I’ll be happy to go to bed, lol.

Thankful for my life and everything Heavenly Father has given me!!!!! I know that my LIFE is a true blessing. I know my blog is BORING and just a “I ate this, blah blah, ate that, blah blah, the end” but it’s my blog so yeah, lol.