Well, my nose has been stopped up / runny and I’ve felt mostly drowsy all day. I got my college work done today and that was my big highlight. I let Katie watch cartoons most of the morning.

I laid down when Katie was down for her nap and I fell asleep and 30 minutes later, Brad called me on his work break. I felt soooo out of it when I woke up to answer his call. I couldn’t go back to sleep after I got off the phone with him though, so I got up and rinsed out my sinuses with the neti bottle and It really did unclog my nose! Thankful we bought the neti bottle and neti pot earlier this year to have on hand!

I called Mom after I got Katie back up to see If she felt like watching Katie while we went shopping and she said she just wasn’t able to tonight because she felt so bad… her head was pounding and lots of other various health stuff. I worry about her…

Brad came home and we all THREE headed out for the usual Friday shopping. I didn’t take any pictures tonight of the goodies so I’ll just name the highlights. I’ll name the stuff that I bought that is gonna be the new base of my eating.
~ crunchy no-stir almond butter
~ OATS !!!
~ grapefruiiiiiiit (and various other fruits)
~ frozen veggies
~ wheat germ!
~ plain live culture yogurt
~ cottage cheese
~ roasted red pepper hummus
~ romaine lettuce
~ a few health bars

It was fun… after we shopped at Whole Foods, we sat outside like we usually do to eat and this time, Katie was with us! I know she had a blast sitting and eating since she threw a fit when Brad went to pick her up, lol. For dinner I had: Odwalla SUPER PROTEIN bar, a Gala apple, squeeze pack of chocolate almond butter, and Kombucha drink… I felt GREAT after eating my dinner.

We also picked up some pore strips for our faces, lol. We just got done cleansing our NOSE PORES hahaha. I am pretty tired… bout to watch Secret Life reruns on Netflix! I really hope my sickness goes away REAL FAST. It should with the grapefruit and fresh GREEN JUICES I’m gonna have/eat/drink. Ugh, I need to go drink some water since I have not drank enough today FOR SURE! Hope everyone’s Friday has been awesomesauce! I don’t think we’re gonna do too much tomorrow – I don’t feel like going out and browsing like we normally do on Saturdays plus we don’t need to spend any money so we’ll see what we can find to do.

I’m so thankful for everything my Heavenly Father has given me! I know my life is a blessing.