Gotta hurry and post this so I can go wash off and shave! Yea, I really burned it yesterday at the gym and could feel it today. I got my 2nd college discussion done this morning and took 2 different naps, and went to visit with my neighbor a little while Katie napped. Oh, and before that I got on the exercise bike again while I watched my OTH rerun. Prob shouldn’t have done the bike but yeah haha. Eventually got stuff ready so we could go get our SWEAT ON! STATS >>>

warmup, 10 minutes, elliptical cross trainer (sitting) – 12 minutes, 2.36 miles, 108 calories
pulldown – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
pectoral rear – 3X, 25lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
pectoral fly – 3X, 45lbs, 10 reps
tricep extension – 3X, 45lbs, 10 reps
lateral raise – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
hammer curls – 10lbs till max
bicep curls – 20lbs till max
clean press – 20lbs till max
// end dumbells //
stair stepper – 40 floors, 11 minutes, 115 calories
spin bike – 4.10 miles, 11 minutes, 90 calories
elliptical – 2.35 miles, 23 minutes, 223 calories

MY THIGHS HATE MEEEEEEEEEEE! My thighs were pretty sore from yesterday and when I got on the stair stepper, it was HELL on my thighs – so i switched to spin bike and it was still pretty tough. the elliptical seemed to not be as bad on the thighs but I got an AWESOME sweat on!!!!!!! WOOT! I got a peanut butter and jelly whey protein bar afterwards, yum. not as good as my ThinkThin chunky peanut butter bar tho….. droool!!!!!!

Trying to decide which natural thyroid supplement I’m going to order. Debating between two of them, hm hm. Gonna go wash off and order one of those! Ready to kick back and relax.