Another week!!! Hope your Monday was atleast a decent one.. I know most Mondays aren’t exactly the best but yeah! I was STARVING when I got up this morning, so I made my protein shake, drank that, Brad went to work, then I went and piled back up in bed to sleep for a while longer. La-la-la daily morning routine. Went ahead and got some laundry started. Actually didn’t do too terribly much, so it was nice. Looked over my college stuff that I have to do this week. Katie eventually went down for nap and I actually took ANOTHER small nap! I will admit I was tempted a few times to eat certain things, BUT I RESISTED. Today was a WEEK since I have been consistent with my calories/food AND I DON’T PLAN ON GIVING IN THIS TIME. That’s been my biggest issue these last 2 1/2 years with all my health imbalances… I always would wind up binging on food, but I have kept trying and trying and trying and NOW IS THE TIME to keep moving forward. I’m READY to be as fit as I used to be. My weight stalled once I started eating the gluten-free bread and peanut butter and I KNEW that would happen. Sounds weird but my body is funky now anyway, haha. I deffo don’t want my weight to stall, I want it to go DOWN. Ummm, so yeah went and talked to my neighbor for a bit before getting Katie up for snack and playtime. Got some stuff done, including folding laundry and cooking our dinner for later! Tick-tock… waited for my lovie! Pretty soon, it was MONDAY NIGHT GYM TIME!!!!!!!! WORKOUT SUMMARY —-

warmup, elliptical, 11 minutes, 1.30 miles, 117 calories
leg press – 3X, 130-135lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 115lbs, 10 reps
leg extensions – 3X, 100lbs, 10 reps
steppers – 2X, 1 minute
hip abduction – 3X, 230-215lbs, 10 reps
torso – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
abs – till max
hip adduction – 3X, 170lbs, 10 reps
squats – till max: 55 reps
squat jumps – till max
elliptical cross trainer (sitting) – 21 minutes, 4.30 miles, 241 calories
treadmill – 30 minutes, 2.33 miles, 262 calories

We usually do upper body/arms on Monday, but Brad was persistent that we usually do legs… so ok lol. I was trying to decide what I wanted to do and Brad seemed MEH. We kindof just did our own things, instead of together like we usually do but that’s ok. The elliptical cross trainer (sitting) was pretty tough and I wanted to stop but I also wanted BADLY to do 20 minutes on it and I DID. Couldn’t wait to get on that TREADMILL! Soooooooo happy that I’m now steadily jogging at 5.5mph and it feels good. My heart rate was staying at 174? 176? One of those. WOOT. I LOOOOOOOOVE running so much! So thankful for how far I’ve come health and fitness wise because I was in a deep hole of misery before and to be getting a little closer to where I used to be just really brightens me up. I brought a naner/protein powder/yogurt mix with me and ate it on the way home. OoOoo it was good. Tasted like naner pudding, esp. since it had been sitting for a long while. YUMMO. Brought Katie home and Brad put her to bed. I washed off, ate, and just had some ice water with a little apple cidar vinegar.

Feeling real content!!! Relaxation time and bed soon. Have a pleasant night and know that YOU ARE WORTH IT. If you want to be fit…. get up and DO IT! You can if you just try and KEEP TRYING! ** never give in, never give up !!! **