I was still bummed when I woke up this morning, but the day turned around later on! I got up with Brad and he got ready then left to go clean the church, then go to the gym as planned. I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned house while Katie played, then I got my workout clothes on and took her outside at noon for about an hour to play. Came back, fed her lunch, and just before she went down for nap… Brad came home! I was still feeling kindof MEH around that time. Katie went down for nap and I started my workout. STATS >>>

***workout at home!***
warmup, bike, 10 minutes, 4 miles
wii active, upper body, 26 minutes
outside run/walk, ~60 minutes, unknown miles

Brad fell asleep in the chair while I was doing the Wii Active. I decided it was TOO pretty of a day to waste INSIDE, so I wanted to run OUTSIDE. Put my sunglasses on, smeared some tanning lotion on me, put my mp3 player in a kleenex and into my sports bra – lol since ive done that before and my mp3 player would get soaked, so atleast it would be protected somewhat. I strapped my reg watch to the top of my bra strap so I could see the time… had my heart rate monitor on my wrist and chest strap on. Drank some water, told Brad I was going outside to run and hit the pavement! I started running around 2:30pm and was DETERMINED to try to make it till 3pm. It took me a minute to get a good steady, even pace but I did and then went on and on and on!!! I know I atleast went nonstop for about 30 minutes, then eventually turned around did a run/walk on the way back. I went far! I wish I would of known how far it was. On the walk back, I was dancing to Incubus lol. 2 mistakes I made about running outside….. brought the wrong headphones (I kept having to push them back into my ears) and wrong shorts… they were riding up my butt, grr. All in all, it was about an hour long adventure! The run felt GOOD, except in the beginning when my calves were one FIRE, but then they loosened up. My face got extremely hot, of course and my lips/mouth got so dry that my lips started sticking together, haha. I got hit on the legs by a sprinkler on the way back and it felt SO GOOD. Go back FINALLY and chugged, chugged, chugged water then had my AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE smoothie that Brad bought for me at the gym. It was waiting for me in the freezer. Oooh man, after a run like that – it was LITERALLY HEAVENLY. My whole back was soaked and so were my arms! The front of my shirt was about halfway soaked. I’m soooooooooo proud of myself for going that far and never thought about giving up! AND that my legs felt that good. WOOT WOOT, I LOVE RUNNING! It’s just gonna keep oooooon gettin better!

Eventually got Katie up and Brad got a quick shower, then my turn. Katie wouldn’t eat her snack or drink her juice because she was being a stubborn brat….. so be it. Got everything ready to head out!!! Went to the mall and walked around and around. Eventually went to the food court and we had Subway again (had it yesterday).. I’m really taking a risk eating gluten and I think I can “feel” a difference, with the tightness in my neck – that I’ve felt in the past, but figured this weekend was a treat. We ate then had to head off, so I could make my appointment to get my hair trimmed and eyebrows waxed, WOOHOOOOO. She did another awesome job! We went to Sears and I got a Everlast workout shirt and pants on sale! The mall was getting ready to close, so we headed out. Went to Wal-Mart, donated some stuff in the outside bins, then went inside to buy protein bars, a little bible book for Katie (for her birthday!), a MUCH NEEDED new sports bra for me, and a few other misc things.

Came home, unloaded, got Katie bathed and put in bed….. now it’s my turn to go shower, wash my newly trimmed hair, get my lesson ready for tomorrow with the kiddos @ church, then relax a little before getting some sleep! My day deffo turned around for the better, thank goodness. I am soooooo thankful, grateful, and blessed. Hope everyone has an excellent night! =)