I hope your Monday has been great! Gave into eating a bit too much oats this morning… and decided to go back to bed for a bit. Got up, ate more oats… bah. Looked over my college stuff for this week, washed a load of laundry, and fiddled online. I went to talk + help my neighbor clean while Katie was napping. I AM happy because I did good food wise this afternoon and evening. WAS SUPER HAPPY TO GET BACK TO THE GYM!!! Stats for yooooooooou >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.24 miles, 115 calories
bicep curl – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
pectoral fly – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
seated row – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
tricep extensions – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
forward barbell curls – 20lbs till max
clean lift press – 20lbs till max
barbell bicep curls – 20lbs till max
pinwheel – 15lbs till max
hammer curls – 15lbs till max
low row (LOVED IT) – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
virtual bike – 28 minutes, 6.01 miles, 245 calories
elliptical cross trainer (sitting) – 20 minutes, 3.70 miles, 203 calories

WHEEEEEEEEEEEE. I really had a good time! The virtual bike KILLED my knees/glutes/thighs, but in a GOOD WAY… really burned and took all my strength just to keep pushing, but I did it. Oh, and after our warmup Brad dropped his water bottle and it BUSTED and so all his water went everywhere lol so we cleaned it up and the crew thanked us for not just walking away from it, like a lot of people do. We talked to one of the main girls up front when we were done and it was awesome!!! We were a bit later getting back but it was all good. I’m SOOOOOOOOO thankful for my friend and that they watch Katie for us. SO THANKFUL. I feel good tonight. Even after all my overeating bits since Friday – I still feel good! Wooohooo.

Now to go wash off and get ready for another day! :] Gonna work hard to stick to my usual food plan. I gotta stop this cycle… again. I want my hard work at the gym to pay off! Gotta STEP AWAY from temptations because when I give in… I want more, more, more. In fact, when I ate too many oats today? It caused a slight headache, like I’ve had in the past. Not a good thing. IT’S NOT WORTH IT. I gotta remind myself of that over and over and over and over and just walk away. I eat every 2-3 hours, so I can WAIT until my next meal/snack. I used to be a ****PRO**** at sticking to being STRICT with my food and I want to be like that again and I know how to do it properly now.

I’m stoked to lose this weight – MORE THAN ANYTHING. I can’t wait to get my new thyroid supplements either! AHHHHHHHH. Heh. I’m really starting to feel more affectionate towards my hubby too. That means a lot because when my health went downhill, it totally messed up our relationship and my “affection” towards him, but it’s awesome to have things going in a GREAT direction. Gah, I OWE IT ALL TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER. Also, WAY thankful for my online holistic Doctor who has guided me through so much and I KNOW the supplements he recommended to me have helped my health improve. =)

Very thankful tonight!