The ladies at church have been trying to have meet-ups on Thursday mornings at 10AM for Moms and babies/kids, so I decided to go this morning! They were meeting near the local library, so I got Katie up, fed, ready and we headed off! Walked, walked, walked. It is quite a ways there, but a nice one. I saw LOTS of squirrels! We get to the little play area and there are 3 Mom’s there, but they are not from the church. Hmm, did no one else come? We go across the big grass area to sit on the steps for a bit, then finally a lady I know from church calls out my name, heh. After a while, there were quite a few ladies and their kids! Yay! Katie got to play, play, play, play. Eventually, everyone was going home and a friend asked if I wanted a ride back home instead of walking, but decided to take Katie over to the nearby pond to let her see the animals! WE SAW TINY BABY DUCKS!!!!!! AAAAAAAH! There were six of them and they were so cuteeee. We also saw 2 different pairs of geese with babies. One pair had 4 babies, and the other had only one baby gosling. We walked around and adored the babies and I just enjoyed being there. Katie was getting hot and it was time to head back for lunch and nap for her and FOOD for me too. I should of worn my workout clothes cause by the time we got home, I was sweaty – esp. the back of my shirt haha. Home and got laundry going, put Katie down, and turned in my college discussions. Just mostly hung out, took a nap, then played with moon sand lol, which was relaxing… I love playing with sand. Katie got up, ate her snack, and played. Waited for my love, took Katie to friends house, and we were off! I actually felt really good after my walk this morning and felt good getting ready to go to the gym too!!!! YEAH! I ate a bit more carbs today, and a bit more in general, since I had that long walk. My thighs were still sore and totally was supposed to be LEGS day – we didn’t do as much as we usually do but it was good! WORKOUT SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical cross trainer (standing), 1.77 miles, 11 minutes, 115 calories
leg extension – 3X, 115lbs, 10 reps
leg curl – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
abs – diff exercises
seated calf – till max (OWE)
squats – 15 reps (OWE my sore thighs)
treadmill – 3.25 miles, 49:19 minutes, 295 calories

I JOGGED FOR 45 MINUTES STRAIGHT! Mostly @ 4.0, but I kicked it up to 5.5 a little then back down and then at the end I went up to 6.0 I think to try to get to 300 calories, lol. The last few minutes were a cool down, besides the sprint for the extra calories at the very end. VERY, VERY, VERY happy that I got that! OH and found out my body fat has went down a *tiny* bit more, but my weight… however, went up again because I pushed a bit too far earlier this week – same stuff that happened to me in late 2009 – early 2010. Would push too hard and actually gain water weight. Bleh. I ordered my thyroid support supplements and CAN’T WAIT to get them! I know they’ll help me. After we were done at the gym, we stopped by CVS, where Brad got some peaches and I got a good n natural peanut butter bar – it was pretty good. Picked Katie up and my friend said that they couldn’t watch Katie Friday or Saturday. Mom usually watches her Friday and so I’m HOPING Mom will watch her Saturday too, since friend can’t this time. We’ll see.. or I could bribe my Aunt to watch her haha.

Debating snacking on a little something else… hmm. Time to wash off and relax! Tomorrow is a rest day, woohooooooo! Can’t wait to go shopping and eat my chunky peanut butter ThinkThin bar, mmmmmmmm. MY NEW FAVORITE. I really wish my thyroid supplements would arrive Monday, but it may be a few weeks. =/ Anyhow, hope everyone has an excellent night and know that you ARE WORTH ITTTTTTTT!