Thankful for another Sabbath Day that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. Church went very well!!! Me and my teaching partner only had one kid in our class, heh. It rained a bit while we were at church, but had stopped by the time church was over. Still not on “track” with my food…. yet. Bah. Came home, fed Katie, then she went down for nap. I washed the dishes, made a 100% ON MY COLLEGE QUIZ, WOOT, and Brad fell asleep on the couch. I went and took a long nap as well. Yea, seems when I eat too many grains, I get almost like hot flashes. Ugh. Feel kindof puffy too.

Anyway. This evening we caught up on our shows – Bones, Fringe, and Game of Thrones!!!!!! All were EXCELLENT. Brad told me tonight that his weight is going down! I wish mine was. Oh well, that would require me to actually stop eating the things that I know my body doesn’t like… except I seem to always give into temptation. Will still strive to get it right, no matter how long it takes.

It’s been lightning and thundering off and on this evening! Only got a little bit more rain, but we have chances of thunderstorms well into the week! Time to relax before bed. I’m happy with my life…. so happy that Brad and I are doing soooooo much better. SO happy that my fitness level is getting better, now I just need to get the FOOD/INTAKE straight to help my weight, health, and fitness even moreso. I can do this…… I can do this ……. I can do this ….. I can do this !!!!