I went back to having my protein shake in the morning… it made my stomach hurt before because I don’t think I added enough water to it. Decided to go lay back down for a bit and sleeeeeeeeep. AH, SO GOOD. Esp. since Brad and I were up late last night! ;D After Katie was fed and went potty – I got my college/scripture stuff and we headed outside, so I could let her run, run, run, run around for a little over an hour. It was nice… I sat against a tree in the shade and just enjoyed it. I LOVE NATURE SO MUCH. I had my little container of yogurt and half a tablespoon of coconut oil as a snack while I was outside and my water. We came back eventually and she had lunch then went down for nap… but she didn’t sleep, just mostly rolled around hah. Been trying to decide what to have for lunch – went for a protein shake, plus a side of yogurt and BANANA. It was sooooo good. I LOVE BANANAS and yogurt, yums. Think that will be my new lunch. Was feeling pretty dragged, so I laid down and took a nap. I got up and went to visit with my neighbor and helped her organize! I felt so awesome helping her do that! :] I LOVE to organize! Came back, fed Katie, and started to do the usual routine before time for gym. Brad sent me a text about 4:50pm and said he had a meeting with customer service department (his potential job!) at 5pm… ooOooo!!! He called me not long after that and and and and ….

HE GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means?! HIGHER PAY (ABOUT DOUBLE!) and AWESOME BENEFITS! HECK YES, HECK YES, HECK YES! I’m so proud of him and EXCITED for us! I’m soooooooo thankful he finally was able to get a higher up job – he’s been trying to get one for the past 6 months or so! =) SQUEEEEEE!!!

He came home and took Katie to neighbor’s house then GYM GYM GYM! Of course Brad was MUCH more excited to work out today, lol. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 11 minutes, 2.0 miles, 125 calories
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10-15 reps
bent over deltoid – 3X, 5lbs, 10-15 reps
tricep extensions – 3X, 40lbs, 10-15 reps
lateral raise – 3X, 30lbs, 10-15 reps
overhead tricep – 3X, 12.5lbs, 10 reps
rotary cuff – 3X, 5lbs, 10-15 reps
low row – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
** free weights **
bent over rows with tricep kickbacks, shrugs, pinwheel, shoulder press, bicep curl with upright rows – 10lbs till MAX
** /end free weights **
mountain climber – 25 minutes, 1.60 miles, 257 calories
elliptical – 25 minutes, 2.75 miles, 245 calories

Really like the new moves Brad introduced with our upper body stuff! Esp the rotary cuff, woot. Loooove doing the free weights until it BURNS. I was actually already dripping sweat after the start of the upper body stuff, which is AWESOME. the mountain climber really was working on my thighs and actually made my right knee a bit sore, but I was working it! When I hopped on the elliptical it felt SO EASY compared to the mountain climber, LOL. Love when that happens…… YES. Brad shared a bit of his smoothie with me and it was awesome. Oh and before we started the workout, he bought a giant Monster energy drink and I had a bit of that. Pretty tasty. Only prob I had with doing longer time on the elliptical is that my feet go NUMB! Luckily, I had a minute to rest when Brad brought the smoothie over, so my feet could get a bit of feeling back in them haha. We got to hang out with Ryan (guy I mentioned who got a mohawk! lol) and talked to him for a long while! He is AN AWESOME GUY! We tanned then had to head off to Wal-Mart, since I needed bananas.. also picked up some spinach and mushrooms. AND AND AND – fresh APRICOTS. Gaaaah, I want truckloads of those. I ate 2 on the way home, nom nom. Brad bought the new Red Bull – zero calorie, zero sugar and I had a sip of that too. Came home, got Katie & put her to bed and now I’m about to go wash off, shave, and get ready for bed.

I FEEL GOOOOOD, WHEEEEE! As always – I am so thankful, grateful, and blessed for EVERYTHING Heavenly Father has given me and I know I owe everything I am and ever shall be to HIM. The Gospel means a lot to me… so excited to see what the rest of this year holds! I pray for goodness in my life and all of you! Have a wonderful night!!! =) BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.